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Working to rule in a sentence

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Sentence count:9Posted:2019-05-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: work to rulework-to-ruleworkingworkingsworking outnetworkingreworkingworkingman
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1. Nurses are continuing to work to rule.
2. Instead of going on strike, the workers decided to work to rule.
3. Video-Tape, no voice over ARNCOTT/Oxfordshire Prison officers at Bullingdon prison near Bicester began their work to rule last night.
4. Plants work to rules rather different from those of animals.
5. They'd already caused long delays by working to rule.
6. The team is working to rule out the possibility that the perchlorate readings could be contamination brought from Earth.
7. So far, the dustmen have not resorted to a strike but are working to rule.
8. And with civil servants hard-hit by the latest round of austerity cuts, working to rule has become the norm.
9. Our flight may be delayed in landing, as the airtraffic controllers are working to rule again.
More similar words: work to rulework-to-ruleworkingworkingsworking outnetworkingreworkingworkingmanworking areaworking hourworking dayworking planteam workingworking loadworking lifeworking girlwoodworkinghardworkingteleworkingoverworkingworking paperworking hoursworking rangeworking spaceworking partyworking papersworking classworking-classworking groupworking order
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